Wednesday, November 29, 2006

~~BirtHdaY 29-11-2006~~

Today went to KLCC to have lunch with my buddies Jamie, Jessy and Jaslene. Although, is just the 4 of us but we still enjoy ourselves (how i wish that others like Joyce, Jen Nee, Peilyn, See Mun, Mun Yee is here with us too). Anyway, we went to Kim Gray for lunch. The next stop is Coffee Bean for tarot cards because Kim Gray is too crowded and noisy during lunch. tarots is because our Ms. Tarots Jaslene is around and due to popular demanded by us. Haha~~ Haha~~ Around 3pm, Ms. Jaslene need to go to 1 Utama. Therefore, only 3 of us left. Next stop is Dome because Jessy wanted to have tea. So, we ordered Chamomile tea, Darjeerling tea and mie Apple Crush. I did realized that once we start talk it just goes on and on non-stop. Hehe~~so happy when around with buddies. Although just vege - sit. Around 7pm, we decide to go back but when reach the train station damn a lot of people. Again, we stop at Avenue K, Burger King for a drink. So, we ended up go back at 7.45pm with tummy full of water.

Jamie, Jaslene, Mie, Jessy at Coffee Bean.
Jessy, Jamie and Mie at Dome
Burger King

Hehe~~ hey gurls thanks for coming out today for me. Really have a lot of fun. Thanks for the birthday gift. It's really one special gift i got so far. Dun worry...i really like it and i will used it. Hehe~~~

Love you gurls so much!!!
Hug** Hug** Muaks!!!

~~Back at home...~~

My dearest mummy bought a mini birthday cake for mie. She always remembered, care and love me. Thanks!!!

It's my 2nd birthday cake

Love you always, mummy!!! muaks!!! hug**hug**

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

~~Steamboat and Surprise Birthday~~

Yesterday was a great and happy day for me. Last week my lovely housemate, Jiunn suggested to have steamboat for dinner at our house. So, yesterday we wake up early in morning to go morning market to buy some ingredients. After class at 5pm...everyone headed to my house for steamboat. Mmm...let some of the pics tell you more.

In the kitchen. Mmm...I'm wondering are they preparing food? seems more like pagent competition!
In living room. Everybody seems busy!!!
Traffic congested in the kitchen!!!Left:Pei Ching, Yoke Ping, Wei Yin, Siew Kwan, Wai Mun
Food prepared...
Steamboat started...Huh~~the pot is full with balls...haha!!!
Everybody eat with full energy...(see Shu ting in black so happy taking food)
Aiks~~why my 'cute cute' housemate, Yoke Ping so shy one!
Left: Jiunn, Siew Kwan, Wei Yin, Siew Tien
Left: Qiu Ping, Yoke Ping, Mie
Left: Suk Yen, Showen, Yin Doo, Fionne(shy)
Group pic with loads of food on the table...Mmm...missing one person, Fionne become our camera gal
Surprise!!! Didn't expect all this!!! celebrating birthday for mie since mie birthday fall during study break.
Three little cunning people hidding in kitchen
My first birthday cake!!!Thanx!!!
Being forced to take the candle out using mouth~~
Mie~~cutting cake!
Another group pic!!!
Finally, a pic with Fionne!
DIY Card from all my lovely and beloved sweet frens!!!

~~Hug Hug~~
Had a wonderful night. Thanks gals.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

~~Kimi Raikkonen~~

Kimi Raikkonen is off to Ferrari next season 2007. I can't wait to see how he perform in different team. It just seems that Kimi for the previous season, luck is not with him to win the Drivers Championship title under Mclaren supervision especially this season Kimi finish with a disappointing fifth in the overall drivers' standing. Anyway, I hope he is able to excel better after switching Mclaren to Ferrari.

~~Time Flies~

It's been so long the last time i update about myself. I've been so busy with my mid term test and assignments for the pass two weeks. Still got one assignment (pengetahuan moral! sucks!) due next week. After that, i need to start prepare so my upcoming exams in december. Wow~~seems like i just started the new semester not long ago. Now is already the fifth week. Two weeks later, off for study break...short semester way too fast. It seems like no rest for me till after 17 december. How I wish I can go for a holidays now. Somewhere far from current hactic life. Arghhh~~~

~~No one can predict to what heights you can soar, even you will not know until you spread your wings~~

Friday, November 03, 2006