Saturday, March 31, 2007

~~True Friend Test~~

Take the test if u dare!!!

Create your own Friend Test here

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

~~Greenbox with classmates~

Sorry my dear frens for not blogging so long...I just dunno what to blog cause nothing interesting i can tell but just me...busy busy and, i guess it's not so nice to blog about how busy I am with my studies...anyway, all of that is over...My main concern now is just my finals...

After finished loads of assignments, presentations and n classmates thought go for karaoke to shout our lungs we went to Greenbox at Cheras Selatan today...Huh~~supposed to have the whole classmates go to sing karaoke since we bout to graduate soon but everyone have their own things to do. Haih~~only few of us here but we still have fun...

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

~~Formula 1~~

F1 Malaysia Grand Prix 6, 7, 8 April 2007

Anyone is going? I've been saying that i wanted to go for so so many years...but everytime I did not make it...

1st - transportation problem...
2nd - price of the ticket(expensive)unless i buy hillstand...that i dun mind...
3rd - badly need a friend that willing to accompany me (stand the heat)

Hopefully, i am able to go this year.

p/s give me a call if u wanna go watch F1 too

Sunday, March 04, 2007

~~Stress Ad~~

"I'm willing to try, isn't that enough? I'm willing to try something that doesn't come naturally to me? That I don't understand?"