Thursday, August 23, 2007

~~K-car Most Wanted Ride~~

How I wish I can have one of damn cool man...
if you are there...sure you will fall for those cars...
so nice and cool...
I badly need cash...who can sponsor me to modify pls?

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

~~Why I always having such feelings ever since I started working?~~

Sunday, August 19, 2007


Yesterday, I attended Kenari & Kelisa Owner Club (K2OC)
teh tarik session @ Damansara Perdana.
I've been wanted to join this club for long...
although, I dun have such nice car like money to modify...
but still I'm happy to be there to see lots of nice car...
makes my mood better to see beautiful stuffs...

K2 owners showing off their K-car...
"The Most Wanted Mod Car"
those heavy modder in k2...
showing of ICE, BLINK BLINK, interior or exterior...

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

~~Big Apple Donuts & Coffee~~

Introducing, food that I badly wanted to try...

I'm not a doughnut person but seeing those delicious donuts...
I wanted to go and try badly...who can accompany me???
Now I have the urge to drive all the way to The Curve to get it...

I want to try...I want to try...I want to try...
heard that after taste Big Apple Donuts & Coffee doughnuts...

Dunkin Donuts is nothing at all...

heard that Krispy Kreme is tasty too but i never taste it before...

Monday, August 13, 2007

"The first step to getting the things you want out of life is this:
Decide what you want."

Ben Stein

I understand that I need to figure out what I want in my life...
Am I being to demanding or what...I just couldn't figure it out!!!
Life do sucks sometimes...

Saturday, August 11, 2007

~~Life Is???~~

What is life?

The meaning of life?

The purpose of life?

Ever thought of these questions?

Wednesday, August 01, 2007


Last Sunday (29/07/2007)

We met up for karaoke session at Neway...
only the four of us able to make it: me, Yueen, Ling & Mun Yee.
First time get a very large room...
I think the room can accomodate more than 20 ppl...
With 3 plasma in the room, internet facilities and 4 wireless mic....
(too bad Zhi can't join us this time...sure u will be very happy)

~~Singing happily~~

~~Like this one looks natural but hor where is my mic~~

~~Weird like taking passport pictures~~

~~[K] Princess~~

~~Warm Hugz~~

~~Buddies Forever~~

~~Mun Yee's homemade fruit tarts (really taste good)
Purposely stay up late just to make it for us sweet!!!~~

~~Me n Mun Yee~~
We also had a small celebration for Yueen's birthday (30/7/2007)...
hope you really had a great bday...

~~Birthday girl and Mun Yee~~
~~Wondering what she got~~
~~So happy and surprised look~~
~~Everyone kiss the birthday girl~~

After karaoke session, we walked to Sg. Wang for photosticker...
~~Our photostickers~~
~~Mun Yee said she like this the most (notice anything)~~
~~Ling, Me, Yueen~~
~~Me, Mun Yee, Ling~~
~~My new pose~~

After photosticker, we walked back to Times Square for Food&, gossip and laugh...

~~Newly pose and the founder is me~~

~~The V pose~~