Wednesday, December 20, 2006

~~WisDom TooTh~~

I went for dentist quite early today since the dentist asks me to reach there early in morning. So after I reached, I waited for the dentist to remove my tooth. I have to remove one of the wisdom tooth since it grown abnormally? I suppose…At first, the dentist injected some medicine in my mouth for it to be numb. I guess for not feeling so much pain…Huh~~ I think the injection is really worse compare to taking the tooth out. When he finished inject…silly me thought is already been taken out the tooth…but he said haven’t and still need to wait…hehe~~ after waited for 5 minutes, the dentist starts to take it out. I can feel the pressure but it is just for maybe less than 1 minute I guess. Then, my mouth was being stuffed with cotton rolls. But the blood keep coming out…yucks…I need to change the cotton roll every 10 minutes. As results after one of my wisdom tooth being removed, I can feel my face a bit swollen and it’s so painful now. Ouch!!!!!!

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