Saturday, January 20, 2007

~~Super XXL Roti Tissue~~

Out with Li Yueen for drink at a mamak Wangsa Maju yesterday night...yeah!!! just the two of us...girls talk....hehe~~ anyway, ordered a roti tissue to share with Li Yueen...suddenly came a super XXL roti tissue placed on our table that shocked and Li Yueen stunned...hehe~~overall it's a nice Roti Tissue with sugar, planta, and honey. yummy~~but next time should gather at least 4 ppl to eat...cannot finish...

~~Our Super XXL Roti Tissue~~
~~Another angle of Roti Tissue~~
~~Mie eating...yummy!!!~~
~~Li Yueen...thumbs up!!!
~~Li Yueen and Mie bite Roti Tissue~~
~~ended up with unfinished Roti Tissue~~

p/s: grab the pics from Li Yueen's site...thanks dear!!!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

~~Good Start~~

Just started my new and final semester Year 3 Semester 3 this week. Unbeliavable and scary to think that in few months time i'm gonna start hunting for job. The subject i'm taking this semester is:
1) Portfolio Management
2) Business Taxation
3) Corporate Governance
4) Industrial Relation

~~not really interesting subject for me cause involves calculation (which i hate) and theory (cannot goreng d)~~

The good start for this final semester is Greenbox Karaoke with my classmates. Mie and my classmates went to Greenbox at Cheras Selatan and we ended up sing up to 8 hrs plus from 1pm to almost 9pm.

Friday, January 05, 2007

~~1st day out with my best buddies for year 2007~~

As usual when Zhi is back...we definitely will go to Neway...sort of our monthly must activity...hehe~~a place for us to sing, eat, drink and chat (4 in 1)... After our 3 hours karaoke-ing sessions...we headed to Starbucks for drinks and chat of course...few hours of chat at Starbucks...what we chat??? Three words to conclude... PAST, PRESENT and FUTURE. Anyway, gurls...thanks for today! =) Great day!!!

From L - R: Zhi, Me, Ling and Yueen at Starbucks


~~Sweet Sweet Love~~ (i like this pic)

~~Zhi and Mie~~

oh yeah~~Zhi since you have the fondue pot...the next time we must have it together...must hor~~

**p/s:Grab the pics from Li Yueen's site...Thanks dear!

Monday, January 01, 2007

~~New Year's Resolution~~

Happy New Year 2007

New Year's resolution? New Year's wish? I never thought of it actually! But I guess it would be:

1. Graduate my degree with flying colours. Hehe~~I know I can if I work harder~~

2. Get a job that I enjoy doing it~~but until now I still dunno what I want to work as and what job I'm looking for.

Lastly, of course everyone is happy and stay healthy.

Out with Peilyn and Jamie yesterday for last day of year 2006. Just a simple dinner and movie together.