Sunday, April 22, 2007

~~Carnival CBN~~

Back to school on 21st April for Carnival CBN...

Just three of us...Li Yueen, Jen Nee and Me...

Remember the CBN Forest Reserved...behind us...

Free Advertisting for Yeo's...

CBN field...still remember our yearly 10 km run...

This staircase that we used to hang out...all of us sitting from top to bottom...before school starts...

Haha...the rabbit looks so scared...

CBN Field...

The Tennis Court...that we used to gathers and sits in circle before assembly every morning...

Nazerth Building...

Outside the staffroom

our 3P class behind...that looks spooky...

No longer any classrooms...i guessed the teachers complained students being too noise...turned to some IT room cause saw lots of computers and sofas inside...

Outside our former 1p class...

In front of the admin office...Principal's office

Under the kemboja tree...

Mineral water Advertisement

our last primary school...

~~ The end~~


Jessyueen said...

so summarised..haha

-JenLi- said... like that one lazy la...since in ur blog already mention in detail