Sunday, February 24, 2008

Nothing to blog..... So, my brain started thinking again.

So here's the 10 possible scenarios that I would most likely die from

10. Drug overdose - Swallow every pill I can find... oh wait...i hate to swallow pills...maybe i'
ll crush it as drug cocktails...BOttoms Up!!! or just get a bottle of Dettol will do...speed up the process...

9. Slit my wrists & bleed to death - This one ranks higher though it's way more messy...

8. Road accident - Preferably a bus running over me & cutting me into brain juices all over the road...

7. Cancer - Any type of cancer... bring it on! I wanna die... (that's no surprise) so since I can't die easily, I'm considering sucking on cancer sticks (cigarettes) to help speed the process...

6. Get beaten to death - Most likely by a gang or something... I'd most likely be the one who starts the fight...

5. Gas explosion - I have this weird image run through my head everytime I go to a petrol station: I'd be filling up my car and my phone rings then -BOOM! Gone...

4. Spontaneous combustion - dying without leaving a trace. How cool would that be? I can just see the CSI people trying to solve my case. Though, I doubt that our Malaysian police can do much...

3. Hang myself up...with my tongue sticking out after i die...that would look nice... wait a minute where shall i hang hse celling too low...i can't die hanging like that...

2. Japanese samurai's style of macho, manly suicide... Wonder how would it feel... I mean, stab into the left side of your stomach, drag it across to disembowel yourself, if you're still not dead, twist the blade upwards. If you're STILL not dead, pull out the blade and stab it into your heart. I wonder where can I get a samurai outfit... hmm...

1. Jumping off KLCC - not outside... INSIDE the shopping complex. Just go to the highest floor (I'll do it during Christmas where they have the tallest X'mas tree) then jump off (if the tree's there, I'll just try to land on it for fun =D). Just imagine how my death would be remembered! Traumatizing a HELL-ALOT of people... I'm sure to be engraved in everyone's minds. Hahaha...

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