Thursday, May 01, 2008

::Malacca Venture 260408::

We planned for a one day trip to Malacca. We tooked the bus from Pudu station @ 10a.m.

Two hours later @ 12 noon...
we reached Malacca Central where Peilyn picked us up to her house first...

We went for lunch at Jonkers...Malacca famous chicken rice balls...the queue were so long...Thanks to the efficient services...we managed to get our table around 30 mins later...

Us while waiting for our turn @ Famous Chicken Rice Balls shop....

Rice balls ....their signature dish...served with chili's and black sauce...yummylious!!

Hainanese Steamed Chicken

the chicken taste okay only la...normal steamed chicken

Me with the rice ball...first time eating it...hehe~~actually ate once in KL but not nice one...wanna try rice balls go to Malacca...

After our lunch, we ate cendol which also recommended by Peilyn. The cendol is just nice...not too sweet...ngam ngam...very cooling for such hot weather... super HOT that day

Next stop we headed to the shopping malls in Malacca...haha...i know KL have more better malls...however that is the only places with air condition...which we badly needed...

We take a break and chill out at Starsbucks...haha~~all the way to Malacca for Starbucks...

Some of the comics for entertainment purposes....
Around, 5pm...we decided to continue our sight seeing....hehe~~

Some of the random pictures of us soght seeing around Malacca...

We believe we could fly....SUPERMAN

We settled ourselves at the bottom...of Kota AFamosa...haha...grandma cannot climb...she is the one suggested to sight-seeing yet she can't climb...leg muscle pain...hehe!!!

The Malacca Famous Christ Church

Us the posers

Rest after long tired sight seeing in such HOT weather...Malacca SUPER HOT!!!!


we didn't enter...kedekut us...we just took's not like i'm learn history...

main point is take pictures mah

After our sight seeing around Malacca, we went back to Peilyn's place for bath before heading out for dinner....

Around 7pm, off to Portuguese Settlement for seafood dinner...we had a very cheap seafood dinner...we ordered cockrels while waiting for our main dishes...too bad we never took any pictures...too hungry...

Cockrels, Baked Fish, Oyster Prawns, Deep Fried Sotong, Kangkung Belacan. Our Mango drink which Peilyn ordered for us....i miss that drink....

Our dinner only cost us RM59.00...

When you visit there for seafood go to stall no. 1 (recommended too)...apparently lots of customer in this stall...

After our dinner, Peilyn bring us to Jonkers like a pasar malam....alot of ppl can see tourists around....Malaca main attraction...MUST VISIT place.

Next stop, Eye on eye...we were so jakun when we see that ferriswheel...
Actually, Titiwangsa eye way better.... than this...

On the way home....

Around 11 plus we reached home...Peilyn's place...chit chatting, had some beer which doesn't taste good...not cold enough...hehe~~~thanks to Peilyn's frigde....

Apparently, we eat too much that day...someone diaherra that night...hehe~~~got sound sumore...think we cannot hear when we are sleeping...Hahaha~~~

The next day, we woke up early....around 10am...we went out for breakfast...Western breakfast...but got chinese food also la... (too hungry forgot to take pictures again)

Then we went jalan jalan at shopping malls again...supposed wanna go some parks and zoo...but after experiencing the HOt weather yesterday, we decided to stay in shopping malls...

Around 2 something, we back to Peilyn place to do some packing...ready for our bus at 6pm...

Around 3 plus....out for Baba Nyonya food...along with Peilyn's boy, Jeffery and housemate, Tan.

Another, heavy 6 dishes meal... sorry no pictures again....all the food is spicy spicy ones....we gonna get high cholestrol after two days of massive seafood consumptions....

Before we leave Malacca, we stop by for Malacca Durian cendol....yummy~~~ high sugar level after two days of cendol.

6pm...we took off from Malacca Sentral....back to KL...
Although, it's just a one night trip...
However, we did enjoyed alot...

Hoping to have you girls along next time... let's take some time off for another journey or short trip matter where we go...spend some time together...still fun!!!

I'm sure we can have another one girls get ready....

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