Sunday, December 31, 2006


i'm back from Singapore. I went to Singapore with Jamie on 28/12 for 3 days.

Why I went there?
1. Too bored, so thought of going somewhere to walk walk.
2. Accompany Jamie to do her working permit.

Anyway, i'm to lazy to blog bout it. Here some pics of mie in Singapore.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

~~Gathering with Form 6 classmates~~

Just came back after a little gathering with Elaine, Kar Mein, Pei Shih and Yew Keen. Initially, we planned to go Fondue House but when we arrived it’s closed. So, we ended up going to Soul Out for dinner. After a nice dinner, we headed to Basque Lane, Plaza Mount Kiara due to the temptation for fondue because Kar Mein said the restaurant served fondue there. Haha~~So, we ordered cheese fondue and chocolate fondue. Mmm…but it’s not so nice lo. All I can say is Fondue House is still unbeatable. Anyway, gathering was fun and we chat non-stop. Hehe~~wish Chui Mun and Ching Li is here with us too.

Yew Keen, Pei Shih, Kar Mein and Me (Elaine holding camera)
Basque Lane
Chocolate Fondue
Cheese Fondue

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

~~WisDom TooTh~~

I went for dentist quite early today since the dentist asks me to reach there early in morning. So after I reached, I waited for the dentist to remove my tooth. I have to remove one of the wisdom tooth since it grown abnormally? I suppose…At first, the dentist injected some medicine in my mouth for it to be numb. I guess for not feeling so much pain…Huh~~ I think the injection is really worse compare to taking the tooth out. When he finished inject…silly me thought is already been taken out the tooth…but he said haven’t and still need to wait…hehe~~ after waited for 5 minutes, the dentist starts to take it out. I can feel the pressure but it is just for maybe less than 1 minute I guess. Then, my mouth was being stuffed with cotton rolls. But the blood keep coming out…yucks…I need to change the cotton roll every 10 minutes. As results after one of my wisdom tooth being removed, I can feel my face a bit swollen and it’s so painful now. Ouch!!!!!!

Monday, December 04, 2006

~~WhAt ThE F*Ck~~

Damn it!!! Dunno which stupid idiot broke my little kenari rear windscreen!!! Early in the morning, my mum woke me up and told me that my car rear windscreen broken! I thought she just scared me but when i went down and check it out myself i'm stunned. My heart total crashed!!! My windscreen totally in tiny pieces...with my tinted film barely holding the remaining from completely fallin off. Stupid idiot!!! Cause me around rm300 to install a new one. Damn!!

**no pics to show it to u cause the photo shop accidently deleted it from my memory card!!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

~~BirtHdaY 29-11-2006~~

Today went to KLCC to have lunch with my buddies Jamie, Jessy and Jaslene. Although, is just the 4 of us but we still enjoy ourselves (how i wish that others like Joyce, Jen Nee, Peilyn, See Mun, Mun Yee is here with us too). Anyway, we went to Kim Gray for lunch. The next stop is Coffee Bean for tarot cards because Kim Gray is too crowded and noisy during lunch. tarots is because our Ms. Tarots Jaslene is around and due to popular demanded by us. Haha~~ Haha~~ Around 3pm, Ms. Jaslene need to go to 1 Utama. Therefore, only 3 of us left. Next stop is Dome because Jessy wanted to have tea. So, we ordered Chamomile tea, Darjeerling tea and mie Apple Crush. I did realized that once we start talk it just goes on and on non-stop. Hehe~~so happy when around with buddies. Although just vege - sit. Around 7pm, we decide to go back but when reach the train station damn a lot of people. Again, we stop at Avenue K, Burger King for a drink. So, we ended up go back at 7.45pm with tummy full of water.

Jamie, Jaslene, Mie, Jessy at Coffee Bean.
Jessy, Jamie and Mie at Dome
Burger King

Hehe~~ hey gurls thanks for coming out today for me. Really have a lot of fun. Thanks for the birthday gift. It's really one special gift i got so far. Dun worry...i really like it and i will used it. Hehe~~~

Love you gurls so much!!!
Hug** Hug** Muaks!!!

~~Back at home...~~

My dearest mummy bought a mini birthday cake for mie. She always remembered, care and love me. Thanks!!!

It's my 2nd birthday cake

Love you always, mummy!!! muaks!!! hug**hug**

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

~~Steamboat and Surprise Birthday~~

Yesterday was a great and happy day for me. Last week my lovely housemate, Jiunn suggested to have steamboat for dinner at our house. So, yesterday we wake up early in morning to go morning market to buy some ingredients. After class at 5pm...everyone headed to my house for steamboat. Mmm...let some of the pics tell you more.

In the kitchen. Mmm...I'm wondering are they preparing food? seems more like pagent competition!
In living room. Everybody seems busy!!!
Traffic congested in the kitchen!!!Left:Pei Ching, Yoke Ping, Wei Yin, Siew Kwan, Wai Mun
Food prepared...
Steamboat started...Huh~~the pot is full with balls...haha!!!
Everybody eat with full energy...(see Shu ting in black so happy taking food)
Aiks~~why my 'cute cute' housemate, Yoke Ping so shy one!
Left: Jiunn, Siew Kwan, Wei Yin, Siew Tien
Left: Qiu Ping, Yoke Ping, Mie
Left: Suk Yen, Showen, Yin Doo, Fionne(shy)
Group pic with loads of food on the table...Mmm...missing one person, Fionne become our camera gal
Surprise!!! Didn't expect all this!!! celebrating birthday for mie since mie birthday fall during study break.
Three little cunning people hidding in kitchen
My first birthday cake!!!Thanx!!!
Being forced to take the candle out using mouth~~
Mie~~cutting cake!
Another group pic!!!
Finally, a pic with Fionne!
DIY Card from all my lovely and beloved sweet frens!!!

~~Hug Hug~~
Had a wonderful night. Thanks gals.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

~~Kimi Raikkonen~~

Kimi Raikkonen is off to Ferrari next season 2007. I can't wait to see how he perform in different team. It just seems that Kimi for the previous season, luck is not with him to win the Drivers Championship title under Mclaren supervision especially this season Kimi finish with a disappointing fifth in the overall drivers' standing. Anyway, I hope he is able to excel better after switching Mclaren to Ferrari.

~~Time Flies~

It's been so long the last time i update about myself. I've been so busy with my mid term test and assignments for the pass two weeks. Still got one assignment (pengetahuan moral! sucks!) due next week. After that, i need to start prepare so my upcoming exams in december. Wow~~seems like i just started the new semester not long ago. Now is already the fifth week. Two weeks later, off for study break...short semester way too fast. It seems like no rest for me till after 17 december. How I wish I can go for a holidays now. Somewhere far from current hactic life. Arghhh~~~

~~No one can predict to what heights you can soar, even you will not know until you spread your wings~~

Friday, November 03, 2006

Monday, October 30, 2006

~~Latest Beer Packaging In Town~~

I suppossed it should cost cheaper cause minus out cost of the bottle or aluminium can...hehe~~looks like its a cheapest beer in town...wondering KL have this kind of beer or not??

p/s:This scene is shot at Tsingdao, the beer home land, east north of China)

Monday, October 23, 2006

~~Justin "Christmas Party" Concert 2006~~

Justin Lo is coming to Malaysia for his first ever concert in Malaysia during Christmas Eve this year. I was hoping to go for his concert for long since the rumors of him going to have concert in Malaysia few months ago. Finally, it sort of confirmed but i don't like the venue of the concert at MIECC, The Mines. Okay forget bout the venue but i just don't like the way Galaxy organized the seating plan. The price for RM 52 and RM 72 is free standing. Huh~~ free standing!!! how can?? pay that amount for free standing. Why can't Galaxy organized Justin concert at Putra Stadium since it's a Christmas Party?

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

~~Back on track~~

Finally, my three weeks holiday is finished. I just started my new semester today. Hehe~~suppossed to start on Monday actually. Lazy me~~ This semester would be very hactic cause is short semester and everything must be finish in 7 weeks for 3 subjects. It would be 6 lectures and 4 tutorials in a week. Huh~~ Mid term test would be 2 weeks from now and few assignments due in 3 weeks time. Oh my god~~ how could i go through this semester? It is just only my first day of the new semester.

~~Don't worry about failure, worry about chances you miss when you don't even try~~

Tuesday, October 03, 2006


Yesterday, i made tiramisu for the first time...hehe~~not so successful cause the mascarpone cheese and whipped cream not thick and stiff enough...but still taste good (that's what my mum said). Maybe, i should just buy a piece of cake from secret recipe instead. It's easy to say but the process huh~~

~~The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart~~

Sunday, October 01, 2006


I just watched this movie today. Overall good.

Synopsis(taken from Cinema Online)

For ne'er-do-well compulsive gambler Slipper (Jackie Chan), there's only one thing more fearsome than debtors at his doorstep - having to coax a crying baby. But what if the baby becomes his golden goose to fend off his debtors? Can he overcome his phobia of diapers, milk bottles, and cloying lullabies?
Brought up in an impoverished family and kicked out of school in his teens, Slipper found himself on the wrong side of the tracks despite being nimble-footed and neat-fingered. Spurned by his family and hounded by debtors, he is goaded by his greedy landlord (Michael Hui) to collaborate in harebrained heists. Together with the agile and opportunistic Octopus (Louis Koo), the trio kidnaps BB, the grandson of a tycoon. However, due to some unexpected glitches, they fail to hand him over to the triad as planned.
With the assistance of an angelic nurse Melody (Gao Yuanyuan), the landlord's baby-crazy wife (Teresa Carpio) and Octopus' teenage fan Pak Yin (Charlene Choi), the macho men discover the joys of Rob-B-Hood. When they realize that the triad is after both the ransom and BB's life, they decide to make their hostage their protégée. Cornered by cops and threatened by ferocious gangsters, this trio of incorrigible merry men embarks on a hair-raisingly dangerous and deliriously funny escapade to put BB safely back in his cradle.

Friday, September 29, 2006

~~Better Day~~

Today I went to see the doctor regarding the Osteoma. The doctor said the benign bone growth on my skull is not risky or cancerous. Therefore, no need to do anything bout it. The bone growth maybe due to old injuries. Although, it's kinda troublesome and waste money to purposely go to radiologist to x-ray and seek for doctor advise but it's worth it cause i don't have worry anymore the bone growth on my skull.

Just now, I went to nearby shopping mall to walk around. While walking around the toys department(erm...i don't usually go that department maybe i'm just too bored) hehe~~ then i came across a model car of Daihatsu Move Custom. Kinda like it cause similiar with Perodua Kenari. Finally, i purchased it and decided to put it on my car dashboard. Hehe~~

Thursday, September 28, 2006

~~My Kenari~~

Just got back my car yesterday. The condition of my kenari so far okay but the workshop skill not so good...slightly rough the spray...haih~~can't have high expectation cause i also not the one who choose which workshop to do...btw, i also dunno which workshop skills is better. hehe~~But so far, i try to drive around still okay the condition...only the body work spray not that good...front and back bumper is replaced with a brand new one cause the old bumper totally wrecked...Anyway, gtg..need to have a nap first..tired after washing my car...damn dusty...

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Just checked my examination results...been waiting for so long especially Management Accounting and guess what? I passed. I'm damn worried cause i really don't have any confidence in that paper. Anyway, guess I'm just lucky that I passed. Haha~~at least something good finally, after what happenned to me last Friday.

Monday, September 25, 2006


Finally, I went to X-Ray my skull today morning...The radiologist didn't say anything and asked me refer back to my doctor. I have go thru the report just now... Tangential view showed the small 'bone lump' in the right medial parietal bone. It is about 15 x 5 mm in size and is a localized bone thickening. It is seen to be a small Osteoma, which is benign bone growth. Oh my what the heck is that?? I just simply surf the net to look for Osteoma. It said that is a benign tumor composed of bony tissue, often developing on the skull. Normally affect young adults and teenagers. Huh~~ am i the unlucky one...been try to search for the treatment but do not have much information bout it and some information is too technical(unable to understand)...guess i still need to refer doctor for advice what should i do about it or if there ia any risk or treatment. Guys, if u have any information about 'Osteoma' can email me bout it. Hehe~~

Friday, September 22, 2006

~~Car Accident~~

Today an unlucky day for me. I just met an accident this morning about 9 a.m around Jalan Genting Kelang when i'm on the way for X-Ray. My car got banged by a Proton Waja at the back and the impact caused my car to banged the front car, Avanza. In conclusion, my car become sandwich lo. Now my car is sent is the workshop to fix. It's about RM1700... The stupid waja said the will bare the cost wor...Hopefully, everything turn out okay...and my beloved kenari will be okay...sad...sad...mmm...i better get some sleep...when i'm awake, i will keep thinking bout my car!!! What an unlucky day for me and my beloved kenari~~