Friday, April 28, 2006


HooRaY!!! HooRaY!!! finally exam is over's time to take a break. Although, i know that i did badly for my exam...hehe~~ but as long as i already give my very best and i have no regrets. Today, went to neway cheras plaza with my classmates (mee mee, yin doo and shu ting)...had a lot of fun...really enjoyed!!! good way to release stress~~ after facing all the books and notes for the past two weeks...just check my results and pass two papers already...Hopefully, can pass the remaining ones too **successfully**hehe~~ oh my i better go to bed now...damn sleepy (watery eyes)

**signing off**

~~Everyone makes mistakes... But what if your first mistake left you with no opportunity to prove that you learned something?~~

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