Tuesday, May 30, 2006


*in uni internet lab*

After i got a comment from a friend warning me to be careful for what i wish. Suddenly, i thought of this phrase.

"If we are not careful about what we wish, the dream could quickly turn into a nightmare."

Is it true the phrase above? After thinking for some time, maybe is true that we should be careful with what we wish for. Maybe i shouldn't wish that something can happen fast instead start to enjoy the process first. Like what i heard from people "we should enjoy the process and not the outcome".
What do you guys think of it? share with me!!!

~~Wisdom doesn't automatically come with old age. Nothing does - except wrinkles. It's true, some wines improve with age. But only if the grapes were good in the first place.~~

Monday, May 29, 2006

~~Life sucks!!!~~

I'm Back to Sg. Long already this morning...another fucking bored week again...life is just going to lectures and tutorials everyday...i'm so sick of life like this...wish i could graduate now...but still got one year to struggle...although, i know that when i'm in the working world is tougher...this is what i heard from people...how i wish i could just sit at home and do nothing...hehe~~~but i can't...i know that i have a lot of responsiblity when i graduate...esp need to start finding a job and work and earn money $$$!!! so, my mum can quit her job and retire. After all the hard years of raising me up...i know it's not easy...Thanks Mum!!! huh...enough of mumbling...tutorials at 9.30am...i better off now!!!

**signing off**

~~Life is one damn thing after another~~

Sunday, May 28, 2006


I've got nothing much to talk...me currently listening to Justin Lo (Jak Teen) album: No Protection. I think he songs very great from his first CD: Justin such as Good Guy, Erica and I'm Not a Nice Guy and return with highly anticipated 2nd CD: No Protection such as Battle Against the Rich Kid and Volar. Justin Lo have an enchanting voice. He is one of my current favourite singer. hehe~~ u guys try to check out his songs. I bet you guys will like it too.

Today F1 race in Monaco Grand Prix.Although Kimi Raikkonen my favourite F1 driver is fourth in qualifying position, i will still 100% support him. Kimi Raikkonen has won at Monaco before, but he will need all his skill to wrench the top prize today. Hopefully, u got a good condition and reliable car today and lots of luck.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

~~Bored week~~

I'm back home at wangsa maju!!! nothing much to do just relaxing at home...watching TV most of the time and sleep, of course!!! this whole week in uni...BORED!!! But luckily still able to spent four hours at Neway Cheras Plaza with classmates and screaming our hearts out. It was good. Normally, first week of new semester nothing much to do and kinda blur cause trying to fit back to study mood!!! but assignments already start stacking up!!! now entered third year(final year) d...need to study harder~~~hehe!!

Da Vinci Code and Poseidon already watched...Been wanting to watch X-Men:The Last Stand on thursday but unable to get tickets. Hopefully, able to watch by next week!!! I just wanna watch Halle Berry as Storm. She looks cool as Storm!!!

It's getting late and I better go to sleep...

~~Life is about experience. Good and bad. Do it all. Have no regrets, because even in bad things, there is experience. And all experience is good. Life is an experience. In turn, experience is life.~~

Monday, May 22, 2006

~~First Day~~

**in uni**

first day of uni (bored and sleepy) esp during lecture!!! just check out my timetable and lucky mie all class finish at 2pm...hehe~~ no more 8pm classes!!! just came back from singapore yesterday. I've been spending one week in singapore staying at my cousin's place...singapore is all about shopping because shopping mall are everywhere...almost each MRT station sure got shopping mall...but mie nvr really shop...hehe~~only the last minute, i finally got a puma sport shoes and OP tee for myself...anyway, luckily to have zhi to bring mie around...if not i sure bored to death...THANKS ZHI!!!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

~~Mie in Singapore~~

**zhi's place**

sorry nvr update my blog lately...unable to online at home ler...me now in singapore for holiday...will update my blog when i'm back to kl!!!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006


**in my roomie**

Just check my results and i passed my BPM paper...so so so happy~~hehe~~i guess i'm just lucky to pass that paper...finally, all the burden on my shoulder is lighten...the most important thing is I do not need to cancelled my trip to spore...hehe~~ thank god!!

~~What ever happens, happens for a reason. Accept it and get on with life. Tomorrow will be another day, that is one thing we can be sure of~~

Monday, May 08, 2006


*Back home*

Just sent my beloved kenari to fix just now. huh~~ my car doors lock goes insane~~hehe!!! 3 doors lock need to be fix...and there goes my money flying away~~~ so sad...stupid doors lock cause me RM 110...been spending so much on my kenari already!!! so bored at home...nothing to do...the last time i went out is last thursday...with my deary fren zhi~~as usually we sure will go neway each time she's back in kl~~although is just the two of us but still its fun~~hehe~~what to do most of my buddies not around kl...hehe~~JUST THE TWO OF US YOU AND I~~

**signing off**

~~The difference in love and hate is:
Hate can always be replaced and forgotten.
Love can never go away, be lost, taken, and is remembered forever..~

Thursday, May 04, 2006


**at home**

these few days been trying to check my results online...but until now the three papers results is not out yet...sooo streesss~~~keep login to my uni webpage everyday but is still not out yet...damn worry...haih~~hopefully can pass all my papers especially Business Planning and Management cause this paper is the only one that my mind are totally blank during the exam...hopefully i will pass because already bought ticket to go singapore on 14th and my supp paper end at 15th...shit~~if not i have to cancelled my trip and wasted my ticket money!!!

**signing off**

~~That's the secret to life... replace one worry with another~~