Monday, May 08, 2006


*Back home*

Just sent my beloved kenari to fix just now. huh~~ my car doors lock goes insane~~hehe!!! 3 doors lock need to be fix...and there goes my money flying away~~~ so sad...stupid doors lock cause me RM 110...been spending so much on my kenari already!!! so bored at home...nothing to do...the last time i went out is last thursday...with my deary fren zhi~~as usually we sure will go neway each time she's back in kl~~although is just the two of us but still its fun~~hehe~~what to do most of my buddies not around kl...hehe~~JUST THE TWO OF US YOU AND I~~

**signing off**

~~The difference in love and hate is:
Hate can always be replaced and forgotten.
Love can never go away, be lost, taken, and is remembered forever..~

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