Saturday, July 22, 2006

~~Hactic Life~~

It's been so so so long since i updated my blog...sorry guys!!! it's just that extremely busy for the past few weeks...every week mid term test and assignments due date. It has been continous...seems like never ever stop...
oh god pls help me

Just came back from sg long today after my mid term test again. WASTE MY TIME STUDY!!! ended up dunno how to do!!!! urrgh!!!! Today is BAD DAY for me!!! Firstly, my test today. Secondly, on the way back stupid traffic jam that takes me an hour and 15 minutes to reach home that normally only takes half an hour. Thirdly, my car kena hit by some stupid fella that i only realize when i reach home....i bet is kena when i stop by at carrefour. Sure that stupid fella hit my car during parking!!! F***!!! Fourthly, back home during parking my car tyre kena shit!!! What a BAD DAY!!!

Currently, watching the Intial D cartoon...just Stage One!!! (my classmate borrow me) she got four stage for the Intial D!!! all original sumore!!! i know i'm out-dated d!!! but still i'm enjoying...nice i like to see how Fujiwara Takumi drive his Trueno AE!!! like drifing part the most!!! watching Initial D is my current entertainment in sg long besides mamak!!! This is most student's life that is mamak everynight.

Still haven't prepare my power point slides or my presentation on monday!!! i need to do it now...can't wait to finish my final presentation and final mid term test on next saturday!!! So, i can have some time for superman and pirates of the carribean!!! Gotta go, been up since 5 a.m for my stupid mid term test revision. Better get some sleep first!!!

~~Sometimes I wonder???~~

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