Wednesday, August 01, 2007


Last Sunday (29/07/2007)

We met up for karaoke session at Neway...
only the four of us able to make it: me, Yueen, Ling & Mun Yee.
First time get a very large room...
I think the room can accomodate more than 20 ppl...
With 3 plasma in the room, internet facilities and 4 wireless mic....
(too bad Zhi can't join us this time...sure u will be very happy)

~~Singing happily~~

~~Like this one looks natural but hor where is my mic~~

~~Weird like taking passport pictures~~

~~[K] Princess~~

~~Warm Hugz~~

~~Buddies Forever~~

~~Mun Yee's homemade fruit tarts (really taste good)
Purposely stay up late just to make it for us sweet!!!~~

~~Me n Mun Yee~~
We also had a small celebration for Yueen's birthday (30/7/2007)...
hope you really had a great bday...

~~Birthday girl and Mun Yee~~
~~Wondering what she got~~
~~So happy and surprised look~~
~~Everyone kiss the birthday girl~~

After karaoke session, we walked to Sg. Wang for photosticker...
~~Our photostickers~~
~~Mun Yee said she like this the most (notice anything)~~
~~Ling, Me, Yueen~~
~~Me, Mun Yee, Ling~~
~~My new pose~~

After photosticker, we walked back to Times Square for Food&, gossip and laugh...

~~Newly pose and the founder is me~~

~~The V pose~~



Anonymous said...

jen jen, ur entry on this!i'm missing every moment d..

-JenLi- said...

hehe~~ thanks dear...yeah we should have another outing like this always...

Anonymous said...

i can't wait to grad and be back for GOOD!!one more year k?hehe,...

-JenLi- said...

yeah....then we can meet up always

Jessyueen said...

thanks for the time..thanks for the effort...thanks for everything..I feel Im special because of you..I love you all so much,muacks...thanks for everything ^^