Wednesday, December 26, 2007

My next destination The Curve!!!

This year I've celebrated my christmas eve with my buddies.
it's been ages since the last time we had christmas eve's together...
miss those days...

~~jennee & yueen excited for xmas eve~~

~~me n yueen (camwhore while caught in traffic)~~

reached there around 5.20pm with yueen and jennee...
First time encountered such crowd...
maybe is christmas eve...normally would be empty...
managed to take a few pictures with christmas deco...

~~yueen & jennee with gigantic xmas tree~~

~~yueen & jennee with showman~~

~~jenli & jennee~~

~~yueen & jenli~~

Around 7pm, meet up with peilyn & jeffrey...for dinner...

~~four "leng lui's"~~

~~peilyn & jeffrey~~

we had our dinner at manhattan fish market @ cineleisure...

~~me & jennee @ cineleisure~~

~~peilyn & yueen @manhattan~~

~~garlic cream cheese mussels~~

~~live shows on burning the prawns!!! hahaha~~

~~Our seafood platters~~

~~After one hour almost empty~~
the one with fries left is me, yueen and jennee sharing (tried our very best to finish)
meanwhile empty one is peilyn &jeffrey sharing (sai lek)

~~future dr. tan & yueen busy comparing their elbow bone structure~~

~~me @ the street~~

~~oh bringing sexyback~~

After dinner, we continue take lots of pics while peilyn accompany jeffrey to carpark~~

~~nice background & ppl also pretty~~ ~~007 girl~~
~~washing hands or wanted to dive in?? cannot fit la both of us~~
~~lovely dovey~~
~~drama queen pose comeback~~
~~serious pose~~
~~what a poser~~
~~peilyn join the poser club~~
~~here comes yueen in the poser club~~
~~my lovely buddies~~
We went to Ikea because yueen still hunting for xmas exchange gifts...manage to took opportunites to camwhore with some soft toys

~~they can be cute at times~~

~~After shop at Ikea~~

~~There goes us again~~

~~again us (me & jennee so cute)~~

~~the curve @night~~

Around 10.30pm we decided to stop for drink @ Coffee Bean (our high school fav hang out place).

~~While waiting for peilyn & jennee to buy us drink~~

~~us with our drinks~~

~~craziness of the crowd @ 12 a.m~~

~~last shot of xmas eve day out~~

My perfect xmas gift is you girls...
really glad to have u gurls accompany for xmas eve...

I wish others were here with us.
so, I could give u gurls a big fat humongous hug...
I wish we could meet up for next year xmas eve...


Anonymous said...

this post makes mie wanna CRY!!
*sob sob*
*sniff sniff*
i really miss u girls...

make mie emo only la!!!

-JenLi- said...

hahaha...u come back next year we celebrate together la...

Jessyueen said...

pity zhi..nvmler..we still hav lots of xmas coming ahead mah..

so take good care of urself all times coz nxt time....we gonna make u jealous again!!! hahahaa~ ;p

no lah..we miss u lots too..dun emo ya,we hav u in our heart ^^ omg~