Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Can't wait for this movie...
Angeline Jolie so cool...

Monday, June 23, 2008


My ratings 3.5 out of 5

Shouldn't watch in Malaysia...too much censorship...
Hate censorship. Spoiled the movie.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

I have officially tender my resignation today...will be working till end of this month. Although, the people I'm working with there was great. However, I think is time for me to move on to another new working environment and experience something different. It's been almost one year working in this company. What I enjoyed and miss the most is the audit visit to outstations with my colleagues. From Johore, Penang, Ipoh and Malacca. I enjoyed every moment of us hang out, gossiping and makan together. I definitely going to miss my team the most.

I've been thinking a lot about what my superior said to me today through email. He is definitely a great superior. I'm glad to have him as my superior. Thanks for all the guidance through my working period in this co. He did mentioned to me that I'm not a patience person. I do agreed with what he said. I will take note about it... I will try my best to learn to be patience. I know that I'm lack of patience.

However, he mention about don't be so calculative. This is bothering me. I'm wondering am I really a calculative person. Am I selfish??? I really dunno. In terms of what that I'm calculative??? Sacrificed little bit, I will learn more in future? What does it mean? In term, of my working??? I only do my work without bother to help others? I didn't know I am such person...

Besides, am I being selfish for tender without one month notice? But after almost one year I worked in this company, I never got any confirmation. How bout this? Sometimes, it makes you think that your not being appreciated. Do I still need to be so kind to stay for one month in this co?

However, when you have lots of commitment in life...Is salary/money what you concern most? Being the only child...It's hard for not attached to any commitment in life... Mum is getting older... I couldn't expect her to continue working to support me... It's time for me to take her responsibilities. So, higher salary would definitely be my main concern. I want her to have a better life. I know she been working hard her life just to raised me up all by herself. Everything she have done, is all about me, for me...

It's hard for me to just ignored everything....and continue to live my life with how I want it to be without thinking about the person that loved me and raised me up.

We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give

Friday, June 20, 2008

Sorry no updates these days...
Well, I just can't seem to think of stuff to update nowadays.
Though there are quite a few updates in my life.

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Kungfu Panda

My rating : 4 out of 5

Friday, June 06, 2008

::Dinner @ Chilis MV::

It's a backdated post...two weeks ago.
I've managed to meet up for a dinner with my buddies @ Chilis MV.
Here is some of the random pictures we tooked.
Unable to recall much...

::Zhi's favourite buffalo wings::
everything related to wings is a favourite

::My lovely buddies::

::Me, Jenee, Ling::

::Yueen & Zhi::

::Both birthday girl, Jenee (April), & Ling (May)::

::Wishing hard::

:: Zhi love this pic::

::Pls focus on Jenee's face::

::Me & Ling (birthday girl) with Jenee hiding behind us::

:: Me & Jenee (know this girl almost my entire life since primary)::

::Me and Ling posing while waiting for them to shop::

::Another shot for Guess::

::Zhi attempt to pose like the model behind her::

::Another group pics::

::We just continue tooked pics since all shop closed::


::Another random one...Jenee behind the camera::

::Final pic for the day @ MV::

After dinner, we headed to Old Town, Ampang for more gossips.

Sorry for the random post...can't recall what happen...

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of Crystal Skull

In 1957, Indiana Jones is thrust back in action, venturing into the jungles of South America in a race against Soviet agents to find the mystical Crystal Skull.
I never watch any previous trailers of Indiana Jones. So, I don't have any idea about it... However, I find it hilarious at certain scenes....and some of the story lines don't make sense. Besides, Harrison Ford's acting was unenthusiastic and exhausted. I think Harrison Ford is too old for Indiana Jones. Should find better look person as Indiana Jones. Whole movie without good looking people, ain't nice.
Thanks Jamie for the accompany yesterday night.