Friday, June 06, 2008

::Dinner @ Chilis MV::

It's a backdated post...two weeks ago.
I've managed to meet up for a dinner with my buddies @ Chilis MV.
Here is some of the random pictures we tooked.
Unable to recall much...

::Zhi's favourite buffalo wings::
everything related to wings is a favourite

::My lovely buddies::

::Me, Jenee, Ling::

::Yueen & Zhi::

::Both birthday girl, Jenee (April), & Ling (May)::

::Wishing hard::

:: Zhi love this pic::

::Pls focus on Jenee's face::

::Me & Ling (birthday girl) with Jenee hiding behind us::

:: Me & Jenee (know this girl almost my entire life since primary)::

::Me and Ling posing while waiting for them to shop::

::Another shot for Guess::

::Zhi attempt to pose like the model behind her::

::Another group pics::

::We just continue tooked pics since all shop closed::


::Another random one...Jenee behind the camera::

::Final pic for the day @ MV::

After dinner, we headed to Old Town, Ampang for more gossips.

Sorry for the random post...can't recall what happen...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so nice....i wish i was there...hugz!