Thursday, June 08, 2006

~~busy busy~~

**in library**

sorry never update my blog everyday...what to do? me in sg. long no internet connection...and no time to online in is exceptional cause i purposely wake up early and go uni!!! unbeliavable!!! somemore go swimming at 8 a.m alone!!! huh...extremely busy with lots of due next week and haven't even started...and presentation on 19th but still not prepared yet!!! yesterday, got thesis year topic is about STRESS...haha...i bet i'll be in stress mode soon...time sure flies so fast...still haven't been able to pay attention during lectures...maybe i'm still in holiday mood...although it's been 3 weeks i started my new sememster...aik's just check my previous semester results...not so good...haih~~my cgpa is still not up to my expectation...i guess my BPM paper that bring down my gpa. haih~~ guess i must work really really hard for this more laziness!!! must make sure my cgpa up to my expectations.

~~We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give.~~

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