Friday, September 29, 2006

~~Better Day~~

Today I went to see the doctor regarding the Osteoma. The doctor said the benign bone growth on my skull is not risky or cancerous. Therefore, no need to do anything bout it. The bone growth maybe due to old injuries. Although, it's kinda troublesome and waste money to purposely go to radiologist to x-ray and seek for doctor advise but it's worth it cause i don't have worry anymore the bone growth on my skull.

Just now, I went to nearby shopping mall to walk around. While walking around the toys department(erm...i don't usually go that department maybe i'm just too bored) hehe~~ then i came across a model car of Daihatsu Move Custom. Kinda like it cause similiar with Perodua Kenari. Finally, i purchased it and decided to put it on my car dashboard. Hehe~~


Anonymous said...


good to hear tat osteoma thingy is not life threatening. =)

-JenLi- said...

thanks...btw, who are u? hehe~~

Anonymous said...

grace here. not maintaining a blogger ID.

toi toi said...

haloo.. good thing that it's alright.. but did the doctor recommend you to go for surgery or somthing to remove it? coz my ex boss got some similar problem with her foot.. at 1st the doctor say no need to operate coz not cancerous or anything.. but then 5 yrs down the road.. the bone grew longer.. n end up she have to remove it surgically coz she can't walk properly with the extra bone sticking out.. better check properly with the doctor lor..

-JenLi- said...

erm...but the doctor told me nothing need any sugery or medication. so, i assumed is nothing.

toi toi said...

good for you then!! next time open eyes BIG BIG ya when walking.. heehhe.. but i think in your case now is driving..=p

-JenLi- said...

what open big eyes? not my fault the accident happenned...i'm the victim you know!!!! argh!!! =(