Friday, November 30, 2007

Went to Neway for my birthday with my wacky crazy cranky happy buddies.



~~And drink~~

~~ All went crazy after few drink~~

~~my lovely buddies~~


thanks for coming back all the way from spore just to celebrate with me...I really surprised went you came cause i thought u supposed to be in spore working...the jacket i will wear dun worry...


thanks for given me ur precious study time just to brighten my day...i know that u really care for me and want to make me happy for my big day...

*love this big foot*


Thanks for celebrating for me....thanks for the really what i the thought that no worries....

I realize that you all really understand me from the gifts i get from you all...shows that you all have good observation skills...haha~~

I'm so touched...

Thanks dearies, you all really made my birthday this year so special.
I really touched and appreciate everything you girls did for me.
I don't think I can ever find anyone who love me like you all do.
that is why...

I love you all. *hearts*

Monday, November 26, 2007

Went to Chilis KLCC with my lovely buddies Zhi and Yueen for DINNER.

~~us with our draught beer~~

~~my birthday kisses from my buddies~~

Thanks for the TREAT...Muacks!!! HUGZZ...

Thanks dearies, you people made my day so much.
I really enjoyed spending my time with you girls.
I don't think I can ever find anyone like you people anymore.
Living beings who can cope up with my behaviour.
that is why I cherish you people alot.

*Zhi & Ling...
thanks for adidas watch...i really like it...hehe~~

thanks for being my listener...

I LOVE YOU. *hearts*

Friday, November 23, 2007

This is a little project of mine with help from jennee...

Hope my buddies like it...


Hahaha...I know it is not what u all expect...

Be patient gurls....

I'm still very blur in doing this...first time testing!!!

just a appetizer...

More to come!!! once I master in this...

Stay tune gurls!!!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

If you could re-live your life. What would you change? Which decisions would you alter? Missed opportunities, broken promises, regretful choices, and life-saving decisions. Perhaps you would decide to try treating your family members and friends better. Unfortunately, no matter how long your list is now, it's now too late. The missed opportunities have been missed, broken promises have been broken, regretful choices have been made and lives might have been lost. As days dwindle, as time flies by, all you can do is contemplate about what-if's and live to indemnify the bad decisions you have made.

But the most important question still lies - Are you happy with your life? Because every bad decision you made or negative situation that you have gone through is absolutely necessary to bring you to this point. If you were to remake these decisions, you might not experience what you need to experience, and make the mistakes you must make.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

nothing new to update

well, life is short, and there are so many things to wonder and to think about out there.Sometimes it's kinda interesting that we have only one brain but our thoughts could wonder off to so many things and to so many places at the same time.

I realize that my blog have only photos with little words of expressions... I'm gonna stop having only photos...

we're getting older by the second, i feel the pain - i'm almost 23
i didn't achieve much and i believe that some of you might have the same thinking.If you consider "hey, I've been healthy for the past years, that's what I have achieved!" THEN you can SMACK YOUR HEAD REAL HARD.

well, everyone has their own perspective in life;
whether to be on the top of the world with a PHD scroll in your hand
or just to lay low and make everyone else happy.
Sometimes, I don't see the point of people working their asses off everyday just to earn more money BUT don't enjoy life as much as others do.
I have friends who would go so far just to see that little smile on your face.
Why can't others be that simple too?

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Back from Penang...
Basically this audit trip pretty carefree...
not so stressful compare to previous trip to Johore...
not much photo taken cause I went to Penang for work not for holidays...
stay at Gurney Hotel...2 bedrooms suite...
me and Jen Nee stay at master rooms with own bathroom n jacuzzi...
This audit trip we ate lots of nice food... Gain more weight...

Following below the list of food I ate:-
-->Char Koay Teow (Gurney Drive - look for a Ah Pek)
-->Asam Laksa (Gurney Drive - number 11 stall)
-->Penang chee cheong fun with prawn paste (something new)
-->Fried Oyster
-->Hokkien Prawn Mee
-->Char Koay Kak
-->Rojak Buah
-->Wantan Mee
-->Curry Mee
-->Deep Fried Chicken Skin
-->Chicken Wing
-->Ice Kacang with ice cream & atap chee

Hahaha...just to inform all of these food I ate during dinner time but sharing...
not include breakfast and lunch...2 nights of food....can u imagine...
now I also scared when think of food now...

Pictures during my trip to Penang...only manage to captured few cause no time...basically, we sneaked out during work time just to take pictures...haha~~

Penang Bridge...

Gurney Drive...
Trying to be emo but mission failed

Me and JenNee

Me and my collegues...the 3rd night

we were have so much fun eating...we "tapao" lots of foods from "wan chai kok" for dinner

asam laksa, char koay teow, rojak buah, chicken skin, n etc...

we were too happy eating until we forgot to take pictures of the food we ate...

we even make ice cream float with sarsi...

View from our hotel room...Gurney Drive...

The end

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Together with Yueen after work today...
Thanks dear for the lunch at Esquire Kitchen, Sg. Wang
Thanks for the lecka lecka ice cream

Back home around 5pm++
Anyway, I won't be in KL for 4 days from monday til thursday...

Don't so stress up with ur work...take it easy...
if u have time...try to spend time on ur studies k...
don't miss me will I'm away...haha~~

Thanks for calling me...
Really happy to received your calls...
Shows that u still care for me...
Haha~~I know I'm lame...
Sometimes I wonder...
why I'm still doing this job?
What's the point studied so much yet
I don't need the knowledge I gain for my job.
Felt like I don't fully utilize my brain...
Feel so useless!!!

I know...that I always brag about my job...
I know...just find another freaking job...
but yet I still can't figure out what I want...
It's fxcking difficult for me to move on...

Where is my motivation?
Where is my guardian angel to guide me through my life...

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

When I'm browsing through my pictures folder in my desktop...
I realize that I took a lot of pictures with this girl...
my buddy Yueen...
So here the collection of pictures...

Recent: Bus ride back from S'pore







On bus ride to Spore

~~Black & White~~

~~Mineral Water Ad @ CBN~~
~~Luna Bar~~

~~My buddy~~

Thanks for the concern and care for me...

I know that you are worry about me...
I will take care...
I appreciate everything...
Thanks for being my friend...

My Friend,
my companion,
through good times and bad
my friend, my buddy,
through happy and sad,
beside me you stand,
beside me you walk,
you're there to listen,
you're there to talk,
with happiness, with smiles,
with pain and tears,
I know you'll be there,
throughout the years!

Sunday, November 04, 2007

~~KL Pavillion~~

This is the first time I've been there...
I know it's not something new cause it opened on 20th Sept.
So what...I don't have the time to go till yesterday...
Modern shopping experience located at Bukit Bintang...
for branded lovers...lots of branded stuffs...similiar with The Gardens...

At 1.30pm...we (Yueen, Jen Nee n Me) went straight to KL Pavillion for meet up with Ling (all the way back from Spore) for lunch...

Trying to captured the main entrance @ KL Pavillion

You know why they took this picture?
Guess what?
Answer revealed: Paul Frank a.k.a monkey

We had our lunch at Crystal Jade Kitchen...
the restaurant is damn crowded...
What first came arcoos ur mind if u saw such big crowd?
Good food?
Don't judge a book by it's cover...

Us while waiting for our food

Our food finally arrived...

Ling --> "Lai Wan" Boat Congee
Jen Nee --> BBQ Pork Noodle
Yueen --> Roasted Duck Noodle
Jen Li --> Roasted Duck Noodle Soup

One word to describe the!!!
the noodles got smell one...must eat with nose close...
can't imagine forcing myself to eat such food...
even worst that drinking Bitter Herbal Tea...
the noodles are not cooked well...
the food is cold too...

SUCKS...not worth eating...
spoil my mood...

Here comes the bill...
can u see the red hightlight...
Chinese tea RM2.00*4=RM8.00
Towel RM1.00*4 = RM4.00
this is the most expensive chinese tea and towel
I ever had in my entire life...

In conclusion, I would not stepped in Crystal Jade Kitchen again for the rest of my life...

Girls start cam-whoring

Once start we could never stop...
even in the ladies...

After, walked around...we take a tea break @ Starbucks...
continue our girls talk...

Around 6.30pm, Ling need to meet up with her family for dinner...
While, me, Yueen and Jen Nee headed to Sg. Wang for our next stop for more shopping...
a way to pampered ourselves...after hard work at office...

Me n Yueen @ Nose
even trying sandal also need to take pictures...
i guess this is what girls like to do...
Me n Jen Nee while waiting for Yueen trying her sandals

Anyway, we hang around Sg. Wang until 9.30pm...
then, we went straight home...for shower...
around 10.30pm, Ling joined us for mamak...
so much energy...haha...
we couldn't miss a chance seeing and talking with each others...
we went to BRJ...then start drizling...
we headed back to my home...
and continue our conversation...till 1am...
almost 12 hours we spent together...

everyone had bought something for themselves...

Jen Nee --> Espirit bag
Yueen --> 2 sling bag & a pair of earings
Ling --> a tee (i think)

me --> my SEED bag...
but my mum said not nice...sad sad...
but I like it...who cares...

Really had a great time...brighten my day...
Thanks to Ling, Yueen n Jen Nee for the accompany...
it means a lot to me, it’s the sincerity that counts... you all so much...