Tuesday, November 20, 2007

nothing new to update

well, life is short, and there are so many things to wonder and to think about out there.Sometimes it's kinda interesting that we have only one brain but our thoughts could wonder off to so many things and to so many places at the same time.

I realize that my blog have only photos with little words of expressions... I'm gonna stop having only photos...

we're getting older by the second, i feel the pain - i'm almost 23
i didn't achieve much and i believe that some of you might have the same thinking.If you consider "hey, I've been healthy for the past years, that's what I have achieved!" THEN you can SMACK YOUR HEAD REAL HARD.

well, everyone has their own perspective in life;
whether to be on the top of the world with a PHD scroll in your hand
or just to lay low and make everyone else happy.
Sometimes, I don't see the point of people working their asses off everyday just to earn more money BUT don't enjoy life as much as others do.
I have friends who would go so far just to see that little smile on your face.
Why can't others be that simple too?

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