Sunday, September 02, 2007


Last Tuesday...after work,
me & Yueen meet up with Mun Yee for dinner at Roadhouse Grill...
seems like that place not like last time...
not so good environment anymore...
and alot of Mr.& Ms. Ma~~
The food is just okay~~
Last time way better...but the portion is very big...

Okay...just to end up the blog
some pictures we took together...
sorry la me blogger's block lately...
dunno how to express myself...

Here you go...
Me, Mun Yee & Yueen

~~What face is that???~~
~~Looks like two monkey giving mun yee a kiss~~

~~Two camwhores~~
~~Now you get what i meant~~
~~Mie & Mun Yee~~
~~Where the gal looking?~~
~~Mie look scare like Mun Yee gonna eat me~~
~~Mun Yee & Yueen~~
~~Nice (i like this shot)
~~So sweet~~
~~Nvr seen this music box so long?~~
~~Choosing song??~~
~~We just couldn't get enough of it~~
~~Love you all.....hugz~~
"There isn’t much better in this life than finding a way to spend a few hours in conversation with people you respect and love."


Anonymous said...

i know this is goin to sound so lesbo,...but i love u!!hehe

-JenLi- said...

hahaha...i love you too my dear!!!

Jessyueen said...

me leh??u dun love me??


-JenLi- said...

hahaha~~only me...cannot share